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Thursday, May 11, 2006

Tips on Growing Roses
With very less space and busy schedules it is important to plan your rose garden depending on your life stile, time and space. Roses need lot of sun light atleast 6hours per day. If you have lot of open area the best way to go is to plant the roses in open. Make that they are atleast spaced by 3 feet. Or if you want to cram in more you could probably plant plant a shurb rose in between. It is a good Idea to plant crysanthimums or merrigolds between rose plants.
If you dont have enough open space or the whole place is full of tiles you could go for the cement pots. They cost some 25-30 bucks and they should be decent enough. But try to interleave other plants between roses. Just to make sure disceses dont spread.
Bangalore receives a decent amout of rain. Make sure that your roses are well drained and try to do deep watering when you water them. This helps their roots to grow deep.
They have fundoo ayurvedic mix which they sell in lalbagh for 45 rupees which just induces flowers within one week of addition and also the regular rose mix will help in growing leaves and it only costs 15 bucks (compared to 30 in stores ). You could probably also add the neem cake which is 12 rupees a kg which should improve the soil.
One hour per week should be enough on your roses.


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